Considering the events of today, it was through and through. A good friend took me to my post-op appt with my surgeon. i also got the final pathology report from the surgery. I dodged a bullet, I knew, but it wasn't confirmed until today. I was staged at IIIb for before chemotherapy and before surgery I was staged at stage II. The chemo worked somewhat. The surgery finished removing what was not shrunk by chemo. Thank you Assad for taking me to my appt this morning. And then I had my first expansion this afternoon. I said, ouchie, I didn't feel anything. Thanks Steph for being there with me and taking me. I was able to ask any questions about all the details of the appointment. Then my sweetheart friend Krissy came over. What a warm, beautiful day of friendship and support. Also, yesterday I had a wonderful lunch with Anita and Matteo. Received warm friendly phone calls, great conversations with Diane and Ben and Linda and Dad, and other visits, thanks Nathan! Jill has come by often too, i love the company. Especially not being able to get out anywhere.
Today's expansion was minimally painful, the swelling concerns me more than anything.
Mere, I'm sending my fam those fantastic posters you made! I hope to get a good night's rest. Super tired but very uncomfortable after today's appt. Gotta get used to it, every Friday for at least the next 3 Fridays.
i hope you all have a GREAT weekend!
love, Terri
Friday, October 1, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Smiling and sore
I just sent my sister off in a cab to catch her flight back to Boston. It was very nice having her here to help me. We had a nice time, and it went really fast.
I got the drains out, and that makes such a big difference! Also, Angela said I'm losing the zombie walk (all stiff and not moving arms) as of last night. I'm still sleeping in the recliner, which is very very comfortable. I do need to stay on top of the pain meds, as it is really really sore if I get behind it.
I'll be able to drive in about a week, if I can handle abrupt stops and movement. I'm not sure what to think about wearing a seatbelt though.
It has really been nice hearing from people and having visitors. My friends and family are the best! And I love you guys very very much!
I'm going back to sleep now, I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
xoxoxo ~ Ter
I got the drains out, and that makes such a big difference! Also, Angela said I'm losing the zombie walk (all stiff and not moving arms) as of last night. I'm still sleeping in the recliner, which is very very comfortable. I do need to stay on top of the pain meds, as it is really really sore if I get behind it.
I'll be able to drive in about a week, if I can handle abrupt stops and movement. I'm not sure what to think about wearing a seatbelt though.
It has really been nice hearing from people and having visitors. My friends and family are the best! And I love you guys very very much!
I'm going back to sleep now, I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
xoxoxo ~ Ter
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Pathology and home
I got really good news this morning, my surgeon got the pathology results back, no cancer in lymph nodes, no cancer in left breast, no chest wall involvement, clear margins, and the remaining cancer cells is why a radical modified mastectomy was performed, right decision on surgery. I'm so happy about this news!
I am really really sore, but am home resting now. I'll figure out how to get comfortable here pretty quick. I can't believe how fast everything is going. Over halfway there on this journey, and I think the toughest part is over.
Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts, I know they helped me a lot!
Time for a nap now.
:) Ter
I am really really sore, but am home resting now. I'll figure out how to get comfortable here pretty quick. I can't believe how fast everything is going. Over halfway there on this journey, and I think the toughest part is over.
Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts, I know they helped me a lot!
Time for a nap now.
:) Ter
Monday, September 6, 2010
Only one more week until surgery
I can't believe how fast the time has gone, a week from tomorrow I have surgery. My step-dad is coming out to be with me during the surgery itself and to help me right afterwards. My dad and step-mom were going to come out, but my dad had an accident on Saturday where he shattered the bones in his foot, and broke a toe and had to have emergency surgery with pins and screws to set it all. He just is having a really hard time getting around, so traveling would be really tough. I hope he gets better soon! I know he's in a lot of pain.
It is my last week of work for awhile, everyone has really been good to me, they are a great bunch of people. I'm sure I'll start to get anxious to get back to work and get back to a normal life.
Glad to have a little bit cooler weather, this weekend was really nice. I hope everyone had a fun and safe Labor Day weekend!!
It is my last week of work for awhile, everyone has really been good to me, they are a great bunch of people. I'm sure I'll start to get anxious to get back to work and get back to a normal life.
Glad to have a little bit cooler weather, this weekend was really nice. I hope everyone had a fun and safe Labor Day weekend!!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
THANK YOU! and hugs and smiles and love, and more hugs - gentle ones!! :)
I have THE best friends in the whole wide world! What a beautiful evening last night was with the celebration party my friends had for me! When I walked in the room, I couldn't believe how pretty everything was, and all the thought and hard work and planning that went into this event! I couldn't have been any happier, except maybe if my family could've have been there to share this experience with me! It truly was one of the best nights of my life and to see all of you that I haven't seen in such a long time, put (I think) a permanent smile on my face. How did I get so lucky to have such an incredible group of friends? I'm so thankful that you're in my life! And, all of the brand new friends I made last night, thank you so much for coming last night, and coming into my life! I feel so blessed!
I forgot to bring my camera last night, but there were some pictures taken, and I'll be happy to share them once I get a hold of them!
I want to thank everyone individually, and I'm terrible with names, and please please forgive me if I miss anyone, it is not intentional at all! Thank you thank you ~ The Old Angle Tavern in Ohio City and Alex, Dhruva, Meredith, Scott, Jill, Matt, Anita, Sam, Jim, Nathan, Assad, Tricia, Heather, Megan, Sean, baby Zoe, Alex (Sandy), Bill, Avril, Ruth, John, Martin, Holly, Kristen, Nikki, Angela, Alexis, Allison, Ron, Dougie, Steve, Chris, Matt, Diana, Arlene, Jennifer, Maureen, Rick, Susan, Marilyn, Joe, Karen, Meg, Dan, Terry, Jeff, Lydia, Billy, Mary, Wendy, Diane, Shannon, Aaron, Francesca, Roquel and all of the people who were upstairs that came down to see what was going on. There were a couple of new people that I met also and I apologize for not remembering your name, but thank you to you too!
I was smiling and laughing so much, my face was literally hurting, it was such a great night! And, congratulations to Assad, the winner of the Fusions Inc Salon and Day Spa package, and congratulations to Rick for winning the David Sedaris/Playhouse Square package! What a night!
Again, thank you so much, I really cannot tell you how uplifted I feel and the amount of love and support shown to me is truly amazing. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart!
Love love love,
PS - Hope is the belief that good things will happen!
I want to sincerely thank these people individually for donating to Mellon’s Melons website, in addition to the people that already have. I cannot believe the wonderful support I have, its truly overwhelming. Thank you ~ Heidi and Skip, Gordo’s Closet, Amy, Christopher, David, Alexis, Scott, Mick and Carly, Jason, Jessica, Kim, Geoff, Lydia, Shannon, Arlene, Susan, Wendy, Barbara, Cheryl, Jill, and so many others that I don’t readily have names for because it is against the law to write on cash. Anyway, I just really can’t say how grateful I am. Thank you sooo much for helping me to get better. Hope is the belief that good things will happen!
Much love and happiness to you and yours,
I forgot to bring my camera last night, but there were some pictures taken, and I'll be happy to share them once I get a hold of them!
I want to thank everyone individually, and I'm terrible with names, and please please forgive me if I miss anyone, it is not intentional at all! Thank you thank you ~ The Old Angle Tavern in Ohio City and Alex, Dhruva, Meredith, Scott, Jill, Matt, Anita, Sam, Jim, Nathan, Assad, Tricia, Heather, Megan, Sean, baby Zoe, Alex (Sandy), Bill, Avril, Ruth, John, Martin, Holly, Kristen, Nikki, Angela, Alexis, Allison, Ron, Dougie, Steve, Chris, Matt, Diana, Arlene, Jennifer, Maureen, Rick, Susan, Marilyn, Joe, Karen, Meg, Dan, Terry, Jeff, Lydia, Billy, Mary, Wendy, Diane, Shannon, Aaron, Francesca, Roquel and all of the people who were upstairs that came down to see what was going on. There were a couple of new people that I met also and I apologize for not remembering your name, but thank you to you too!
I was smiling and laughing so much, my face was literally hurting, it was such a great night! And, congratulations to Assad, the winner of the Fusions Inc Salon and Day Spa package, and congratulations to Rick for winning the David Sedaris/Playhouse Square package! What a night!
Again, thank you so much, I really cannot tell you how uplifted I feel and the amount of love and support shown to me is truly amazing. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart!
Love love love,
PS - Hope is the belief that good things will happen!
I want to sincerely thank these people individually for donating to Mellon’s Melons website, in addition to the people that already have. I cannot believe the wonderful support I have, its truly overwhelming. Thank you ~ Heidi and Skip, Gordo’s Closet, Amy, Christopher, David, Alexis, Scott, Mick and Carly, Jason, Jessica, Kim, Geoff, Lydia, Shannon, Arlene, Susan, Wendy, Barbara, Cheryl, Jill, and so many others that I don’t readily have names for because it is against the law to write on cash. Anyway, I just really can’t say how grateful I am. Thank you sooo much for helping me to get better. Hope is the belief that good things will happen!
Much love and happiness to you and yours,
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Terri's notes
Again, we cannot thank you all enough for all the kindness & support you've shown!!!
If you'd like to mail a check instead, please email for a mailing address. The check can be made out to "Terri Mellon".
Hello friends/family of Terri, & anyone on the interwebs coming to this page,First, thank you so much for visiting this page. We know that you either love Terri as we do, or you have love for someone who is/was in a similar situation. Unfortunately, we all know someone who has battled cancer.
As you've figured, we've started this blog so that we can all help Terri in some way (off-set medical costs).
I thought that perhaps the best way to start this off is to share her story. I'm re-posting her Notes that she's kept along the way, so that you are included in her journey to overcome this.
Thank you, thank you, thank you ALL.

We've planned a celebration event - to commemorate Terri's completion of the chemo treatments. Her mastectomy is scheduled for a few weeks from now. So, before that happens, we'd love for you ALL to come join us & Terri at the Old Angle on Sat. August 28th from 7pm - 11pm.
Please rsvp, write your thoughts/comments/well-wishes, share your own stories/anecdotes, give us a joke, whatever; at the Facebook Event page we've created for it.
Also, please share this & the FB event page for the party with others!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Feeling really good
I hope everyone is having a good weekend! I'm feeling better and getting back to normal life, finally. I've had such a great response to the Support Mellon's Melons website, thank you very much! In particular, special thanks go out to Tony, Kevin, Jerry, Bill, Jim, Jason, Leslie, Laura, Amy, Francis, Nathan, Heather, Michel, Krissy, Lisa, John, Jennifer, Nicole and last but not least, Dhruva. Dhruva, you have done so much for me, creating this website and maintaining it. I don't know how you do it? I cannot thank you enough, for everything!
I hope to see lots of friends at the celebration at the Old Angle on Aug. 28th! My friends put this together and it is sounding like its going to be a lot of fun! I'm really looking forward to spending a nice evening with friends and hopefully family, (Jay, that's you - I hope you and Katina can make it!!)
I'm getting nervous for my surgery, the closer it gets, the more real it is. But, my Dad and Ronda will be with me, and afterwards my sister Angela is coming to Cleveland, and then my stepdad Benny will be coming out around Oct. 1. I'll have lots of help, and lots of support. Thank you!
I'll probably be on facebook a lot during my recovery, resting and being at home. Then it will almost be winter, where did the time go? It was early Spring when I was diagnosed. Time has really flown by.
I hope everyone is well, and having a great soon to be last weekend of the summer.
Sending warm thoughts you way ~ Terri
I hope to see lots of friends at the celebration at the Old Angle on Aug. 28th! My friends put this together and it is sounding like its going to be a lot of fun! I'm really looking forward to spending a nice evening with friends and hopefully family, (Jay, that's you - I hope you and Katina can make it!!)
I'm getting nervous for my surgery, the closer it gets, the more real it is. But, my Dad and Ronda will be with me, and afterwards my sister Angela is coming to Cleveland, and then my stepdad Benny will be coming out around Oct. 1. I'll have lots of help, and lots of support. Thank you!
I'll probably be on facebook a lot during my recovery, resting and being at home. Then it will almost be winter, where did the time go? It was early Spring when I was diagnosed. Time has really flown by.
I hope everyone is well, and having a great soon to be last weekend of the summer.
Sending warm thoughts you way ~ Terri
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Update - Aug. 11, 2010
I have to start by thanking my WONDERFUL friends and family. My friends got together and created a website to help raise funds because I was denied short-term disability, as my cancer is considered a pre-existing condition. I was surprised and delighted. It is so thoughtful and appreciated. My friends and family have been posting the website on their profiles, and the support is truly overwhelming.
Meredith, Stephanie, Petros, Kathleen, Tricia, Salvatore, Catherine, Anthony, Michelle, Kenneth, Kathleen, Robert, Kelly, Jennifer, Sheila, Ruth and Gina ~ my goodness, all I can say is THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!!!
I’m starting to feel a little better. Will almost be back to normal in a week or less I hope. First appt with plastic surgeon this Friday. Very confused on the whole reconstruction phase, but will have a lot of answers after that appt.
Surgery on September 14, my Dad and Ronda are coming to stay with me. It doesn’t seem real, it doesn’t even seem like all of this has happened, but I’m sure the reality will set in soon enough. That date will be here in no time.
I’m hoping to have a couple good weeks, then the surgery, and then radiation after I heal from the surgery. Its not a short process, I figure I’m almost 1/3 of the way there. They are not removing the port until the pathology from surgery is completed. My surgeon said if there is one living cancer cell, I’ll have to have chemo again. I did not like hearing that, but I think everything will be just fine.
That’s all that’s going on around here, cancer, cancer, cancer. Blahg! I’m sick of this subject!
Anyway, hope this note finds everyone happy and healthy and having a fun summer!!!! ~ Terri
Meredith, Stephanie, Petros, Kathleen, Tricia, Salvatore, Catherine, Anthony, Michelle, Kenneth, Kathleen, Robert, Kelly, Jennifer, Sheila, Ruth and Gina ~ my goodness, all I can say is THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!!!
I’m starting to feel a little better. Will almost be back to normal in a week or less I hope. First appt with plastic surgeon this Friday. Very confused on the whole reconstruction phase, but will have a lot of answers after that appt.
Surgery on September 14, my Dad and Ronda are coming to stay with me. It doesn’t seem real, it doesn’t even seem like all of this has happened, but I’m sure the reality will set in soon enough. That date will be here in no time.
I’m hoping to have a couple good weeks, then the surgery, and then radiation after I heal from the surgery. Its not a short process, I figure I’m almost 1/3 of the way there. They are not removing the port until the pathology from surgery is completed. My surgeon said if there is one living cancer cell, I’ll have to have chemo again. I did not like hearing that, but I think everything will be just fine.
That’s all that’s going on around here, cancer, cancer, cancer. Blahg! I’m sick of this subject!
Anyway, hope this note finds everyone happy and healthy and having a fun summer!!!! ~ Terri
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Happy to have this in my past
Wow, I'm really surprised how 'fast' the 3 1/2 months of chemo went. But, this one is by far the hardest. Everything tastes sweet, even water, yuk. Sleeping a lot, watching bad tv, but its over with, just gotta get through the last side effects, I'll be so happy in about 2 weeks or so!!
My Dad is coming for a visit this week, staying with my brother, they're going to the Bridgestone Golf Tournament, I think that's what its called. I'm sure they'll both enjoy that a lot! I'll try and get down to meet them for dinner after work, hoping to feel up to it.
I can't believe how much I've slept, even with the steroids. Those awful pills are now history!
Surgery is scheduled for September 14. Next phase of this journey. As it gets closer, the reality sets in a bit more. My Dad and Ronda are coming out and will be helping me with everything right after. I think it would be really tough to do on my own, so I'm sooo very happy they're coming out. Plus, just to spend time with them. And Jay and Katina are loaning me a recliner to use during my recovery, that will be really nice and helpful.
I feel so blessed to have such a great family and the wonderful support of my friends. It would be much harder to go through this without all the kind words, thoughts and prayers.
Thank you so much! I hope you and yours are happy and healthy.
My Dad is coming for a visit this week, staying with my brother, they're going to the Bridgestone Golf Tournament, I think that's what its called. I'm sure they'll both enjoy that a lot! I'll try and get down to meet them for dinner after work, hoping to feel up to it.
I can't believe how much I've slept, even with the steroids. Those awful pills are now history!
Surgery is scheduled for September 14. Next phase of this journey. As it gets closer, the reality sets in a bit more. My Dad and Ronda are coming out and will be helping me with everything right after. I think it would be really tough to do on my own, so I'm sooo very happy they're coming out. Plus, just to spend time with them. And Jay and Katina are loaning me a recliner to use during my recovery, that will be really nice and helpful.
I feel so blessed to have such a great family and the wonderful support of my friends. It would be much harder to go through this without all the kind words, thoughts and prayers.
Thank you so much! I hope you and yours are happy and healthy.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
quick little update
My surgeon was very pleased to tell me today that the 1st tumor has shrunk by 2/3 of what it was initially. Yae, the chemo is working. No. 5 out of 6 is tomorrow morning. I'll be sooooo happy to be done with chemo and all the weird and annoying and yukky side effects.
Surgery will be mid September followed by radiation. I'll have a number of surgeries after I heal from radiation and if all goes well the last few surgeries, I'll be back among the "normals". praying, hoping, praying.
Steroid high starts this weekend, hope to get a lot of things caught up. Maybe, and I should, return some phone calls, answer some emails and messages. I've been so bad at it, either sleeping too much or just being a bit down at the time and not wanting to spread that around.
I really liked what i heard today, and that's all I've got.
I hope everyone is really enjoying this summer and having lots and lots of fun. Be Safe!
Surgery will be mid September followed by radiation. I'll have a number of surgeries after I heal from radiation and if all goes well the last few surgeries, I'll be back among the "normals". praying, hoping, praying.
Steroid high starts this weekend, hope to get a lot of things caught up. Maybe, and I should, return some phone calls, answer some emails and messages. I've been so bad at it, either sleeping too much or just being a bit down at the time and not wanting to spread that around.
I really liked what i heard today, and that's all I've got.
I hope everyone is really enjoying this summer and having lots and lots of fun. Be Safe!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
2 more chemo treatments to go
I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the summer!
I had my 4th chemo treatment yesterday. My sweetheart of a friend, Jill, rearranged her schedule and was with me the whole day, and it was a long day. Also, my good, good friend Mere and her mother Ruth, who herself is a breast cancer survivor (4years!), also stopped by to say hello, it was very thoughtful and I appreciated it sooooo much!
Had dr. visit and bloodwork before chemo, so it really did add to the longness of the day, and Jill was such a trooper. My onc informed me I will be having radiation after my surgery, that was the first I had heard that, but it makes sense to me after he explained it. Its to prevent recurrence, which I'll gladly do. I never want to go through this again. However, because of the radiation, it will make reconstruction more difficult in choices, and the timing of it all will be extended. I thought I might be able to slip into 2011 on the way to recovery and no more surgeries, but it looks like that will not be the case. I hope to have this all behind me sometime in mid to late 2011, and having it done the right way, with enough time to recover between the multiple surgeries, I think is the smartest and safest way to go. Sure, I'd like to rush through this whole process and get it over with, get back to some sense of normalcy, but I'll be patient and get there when I get there.
I get the neulasta shot today, it makes your bone marrow produce more white blood cells, and really knocks me down, but it will help get my immune system back where it needs to be, so I do it. I'm on an antibiotic full time now, to prevent more infections. Its getting a bit much, all the meds I'm taking. I asked the pharmacist, jokingly, if they had a buy 10 rx and get the 11th one free card. I can't believe all the pill bottles I lug around each day.
Well, hope to get some productive things done today while I'm on the steroid high. Up at 5:15am is for the birds, literally.
Well, that's all I have to update. Boring details of going through cancer treatment, but I know some of my friends and family want updates, and facebook makes it really easy to do so.
Thanks to everyone for all your support, it would be so much harder without you!
Happy weekend everyone!
I had my 4th chemo treatment yesterday. My sweetheart of a friend, Jill, rearranged her schedule and was with me the whole day, and it was a long day. Also, my good, good friend Mere and her mother Ruth, who herself is a breast cancer survivor (4years!), also stopped by to say hello, it was very thoughtful and I appreciated it sooooo much!
Had dr. visit and bloodwork before chemo, so it really did add to the longness of the day, and Jill was such a trooper. My onc informed me I will be having radiation after my surgery, that was the first I had heard that, but it makes sense to me after he explained it. Its to prevent recurrence, which I'll gladly do. I never want to go through this again. However, because of the radiation, it will make reconstruction more difficult in choices, and the timing of it all will be extended. I thought I might be able to slip into 2011 on the way to recovery and no more surgeries, but it looks like that will not be the case. I hope to have this all behind me sometime in mid to late 2011, and having it done the right way, with enough time to recover between the multiple surgeries, I think is the smartest and safest way to go. Sure, I'd like to rush through this whole process and get it over with, get back to some sense of normalcy, but I'll be patient and get there when I get there.
I get the neulasta shot today, it makes your bone marrow produce more white blood cells, and really knocks me down, but it will help get my immune system back where it needs to be, so I do it. I'm on an antibiotic full time now, to prevent more infections. Its getting a bit much, all the meds I'm taking. I asked the pharmacist, jokingly, if they had a buy 10 rx and get the 11th one free card. I can't believe all the pill bottles I lug around each day.
Well, hope to get some productive things done today while I'm on the steroid high. Up at 5:15am is for the birds, literally.
Well, that's all I have to update. Boring details of going through cancer treatment, but I know some of my friends and family want updates, and facebook makes it really easy to do so.
Thanks to everyone for all your support, it would be so much harder without you!
Happy weekend everyone!
Monday, June 7, 2010
keeping on
Getting to be time for bed, but took a large nap earlier, so I'll justify it that way.
Sleeping has started to happen whenever, there is no bed time anymore. When I'm tired, I sleep if I can, and that seems to help the most. My body is asking for rest and I need to do it to keep up.
I'm also getting the groove of how all of this is working out. Treatment, followed by a good week of bone aches, major stomach issues, fatigue, memory issues along with concentration, sometimes cannot find the most common word, its frustrating. Another infection from my blood counts being so low, but I got the antibiotic again, and will have to from here on out every treatment. As long as I can control the pain, its better.
Not to complain so much, its just getting a bit tougher. But, it could be a lot worse, so i feel bad griping.
Looking forward to my appt with Dr. Vaidya this week. Wondering if they'll do a halfway scan to see if the chemo is working. I'm a little concerned with the 2nd tumor, I feel as if its attached itself to my chest wall and that scares the crap outta me. I read too much.
i have started to receive bills and EOB now. Really, I had no idea, each chemo is $19,000. Are you kidding me? And I get a Neulasta shot each Saturday after treatment to boost my white blood counts. The shot, one shot, that takes less than 5 minutes at a nurse's station at the hospital, costs $13,540. I about fell over when i saw that. Yikes.
My sister has knitted a bunch of super cute hats for me, but with the warmer weather, it gets a bit too warm, so i've been wearing bandanas. Very lightweight, but haven't ventured out to wear them at work yet, still wearing wigs to work, which is very very hot.
I can't wait to be done with this chapter. I'm tired and want to have fun again. I try to as much as I can with my friends, but its not the same when you don't feel well. Come on, lets get this over with, I've got things to do. Places to go and people to see.
On a last note, why on earth are they calling the BP disaster a "spill"? I don't think its a spill at all. Oops, I spilled my milk, lets see. Lets call it a gusher, or geyser, or who knows. Anyway, a spill sounds ridiculous. A spill.
Sleeping has started to happen whenever, there is no bed time anymore. When I'm tired, I sleep if I can, and that seems to help the most. My body is asking for rest and I need to do it to keep up.
I'm also getting the groove of how all of this is working out. Treatment, followed by a good week of bone aches, major stomach issues, fatigue, memory issues along with concentration, sometimes cannot find the most common word, its frustrating. Another infection from my blood counts being so low, but I got the antibiotic again, and will have to from here on out every treatment. As long as I can control the pain, its better.
Not to complain so much, its just getting a bit tougher. But, it could be a lot worse, so i feel bad griping.
Looking forward to my appt with Dr. Vaidya this week. Wondering if they'll do a halfway scan to see if the chemo is working. I'm a little concerned with the 2nd tumor, I feel as if its attached itself to my chest wall and that scares the crap outta me. I read too much.
i have started to receive bills and EOB now. Really, I had no idea, each chemo is $19,000. Are you kidding me? And I get a Neulasta shot each Saturday after treatment to boost my white blood counts. The shot, one shot, that takes less than 5 minutes at a nurse's station at the hospital, costs $13,540. I about fell over when i saw that. Yikes.
My sister has knitted a bunch of super cute hats for me, but with the warmer weather, it gets a bit too warm, so i've been wearing bandanas. Very lightweight, but haven't ventured out to wear them at work yet, still wearing wigs to work, which is very very hot.
I can't wait to be done with this chapter. I'm tired and want to have fun again. I try to as much as I can with my friends, but its not the same when you don't feel well. Come on, lets get this over with, I've got things to do. Places to go and people to see.
On a last note, why on earth are they calling the BP disaster a "spill"? I don't think its a spill at all. Oops, I spilled my milk, lets see. Lets call it a gusher, or geyser, or who knows. Anyway, a spill sounds ridiculous. A spill.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
unexpected kindness
Today I went to get a lesson in wig-washing. Funny word, wig-washing. It was very nice with a dear friend of mine. Because of the kindness of my dear friend, I now have a new wig, my 2nd, and I really love it! I truly believe in paying it forward, and that's what I intend to do. I just need a paying it forward subject. i will let you know when I find them.
Thank you, my dear friend, words cannot express the smile i feel when i look 'almost' normal.
Love to you and yours ALWAYS.
Thank you, my dear friend, words cannot express the smile i feel when i look 'almost' normal.
Love to you and yours ALWAYS.
Monday, May 17, 2010
This is part of the no-fun part of chemo
I remember this time-period last treatment, and it was a little tough, fatigued and a few stomach issues. This time, way more stomach issues, had a bad weekend that started off with getting sick after I came home from work on Friday. I'm really trying to keep it in check with the meds I have, but this time its a bit more persistent. I cannot get enough sleep again, and just generally feel yucky. I think if I could figure a way to get my energy up, the other wouldn't be as bad.
Hope to get through this week in a hurry, I hate feeling like this.
But, it means its doing its job, I have to remember that.
That's all for now.
xxx ooo
Hope to get through this week in a hurry, I hate feeling like this.
But, it means its doing its job, I have to remember that.
That's all for now.
xxx ooo
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Chemo #2 is behind me
My step-dad Ben came to Cleveland over the weekend and came with me to chemo. It was nice to spend time with him. We visited Jay, Katina and Henry. Henry was funny, laughing at my head. He said, "you're a boy now!". Ah, three year olds. :)
Had my blood work on Thursday and they left the needle and catheter and tubing in for treatment the next day. It was so uncomfortable and I couldn't wear my seat belt. Sleeping was another issue, but I got used to it. They removed it after chemo on Friday, and its better than getting stuck again, cause that part sucks.
My boss and the people I work with are so great. They helped me get my work home and I was able to get some work done during chemo on Friday and over the weekend, and I promised I'd make some cookies and bring them in, so I made snickerdoodles tonight. They turned out pretty good! Hopefully they'll be a hit.
Good news from my surgeon today, the one tumor is shrinking from the chemo, it is now 6cm x 5cm. The plan goes ahead as is. She was really pleased with the progress, as am I. My 3rd round is scheduled for the 28th of May. That is #3 of 6, so almost the halfway point, then surgery 4 weeks after chemo is done and then, I'll look back on 2010 and wonder, did I really have cancer? They know exactly what they're doing. Its the best scenario I could ask for.
I think I'm still high from the steroids a bit. Too late for me to be up, but am not tired yet. But, I better try and get some sleep.
Busy week at work, and I love that!!
Hope this note finds everyone happy and well! xxxooo
Had my blood work on Thursday and they left the needle and catheter and tubing in for treatment the next day. It was so uncomfortable and I couldn't wear my seat belt. Sleeping was another issue, but I got used to it. They removed it after chemo on Friday, and its better than getting stuck again, cause that part sucks.
My boss and the people I work with are so great. They helped me get my work home and I was able to get some work done during chemo on Friday and over the weekend, and I promised I'd make some cookies and bring them in, so I made snickerdoodles tonight. They turned out pretty good! Hopefully they'll be a hit.
Good news from my surgeon today, the one tumor is shrinking from the chemo, it is now 6cm x 5cm. The plan goes ahead as is. She was really pleased with the progress, as am I. My 3rd round is scheduled for the 28th of May. That is #3 of 6, so almost the halfway point, then surgery 4 weeks after chemo is done and then, I'll look back on 2010 and wonder, did I really have cancer? They know exactly what they're doing. Its the best scenario I could ask for.
I think I'm still high from the steroids a bit. Too late for me to be up, but am not tired yet. But, I better try and get some sleep.
Busy week at work, and I love that!!
Hope this note finds everyone happy and well! xxxooo
Monday, May 3, 2010
Terri, meet Uncle Fester
Well, I wasn't even sure they really gave me chemo, because I was feeling so great. Well, they really did. I'm very fatigued, sleeping so much and no energy reserves at all. And, the little bit of hair I did have is quickly disappearing (all over the place - in my eyes, inhaled up my nose, in my mouth, in my food, all over my hands - I really didn't anticipate it happening this way, but how else could it, right?) I wish there were an easier and less messy way to lose it. I guess its the in-between stage now, I can't wait until it is all gone, its so itchy and uncomfortable.
My PETscan showed only the cancer we were already aware of, no spread outside the breast or lymph nodes. That is great news! I got the MRI-guided biopsy results today, its the same cancer, in the same breast - different quadrant, she called it multi-centric. This will not change my chemotherapy treatment, but will eliminate any chance of a lumpectomy, which I was betting on a mastectomy anyway. So that's where that is.
Ben, my step-dad is coming to Cleveland to accompany me to Chemo #2. At least I'm getting extra visitors out of this experience! I'm looking forward to spending some time with him. I wonder if my nephew Henry will be freaked out by my bald head when I see him this weekend, I hope I don't scare him!
Spring is definitely here, so pretty outside and getting warmer. I wish the dandelions would leave my flower bed alone.
I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the nice weather. I'm sorry if I don't answer your messages immediately, I'm going to try and get caught up on that this week.
Sending warm smiles your way ~ Terri
My PETscan showed only the cancer we were already aware of, no spread outside the breast or lymph nodes. That is great news! I got the MRI-guided biopsy results today, its the same cancer, in the same breast - different quadrant, she called it multi-centric. This will not change my chemotherapy treatment, but will eliminate any chance of a lumpectomy, which I was betting on a mastectomy anyway. So that's where that is.
Ben, my step-dad is coming to Cleveland to accompany me to Chemo #2. At least I'm getting extra visitors out of this experience! I'm looking forward to spending some time with him. I wonder if my nephew Henry will be freaked out by my bald head when I see him this weekend, I hope I don't scare him!
Spring is definitely here, so pretty outside and getting warmer. I wish the dandelions would leave my flower bed alone.
I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the nice weather. I'm sorry if I don't answer your messages immediately, I'm going to try and get caught up on that this week.
Sending warm smiles your way ~ Terri
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Unexpected kindness
Still feeling good, a bit tired, but that's all. Hooray!
I had a PET scan yesterday. The nurse, Kathy, was unbelievably sweet. I was told to fast yesterday until 6pm. My boss brought in chocolate cake around 10:30am. Nice, right? So, after being tortured all day with that, after my nurse left the appt, I was sleeping and then had the scan. When I was finished, the doctor handed me a piece of chocolate cake from Kathy. It was tied with a red bandage bow. Can you believe the kindness of strangers? She was just doing her job, and every day has people in that fasted for their tests, its not that big of deal to not eat for a few hours. She really made my day, what a thoughtful woman. Thank you! And the cake was DELICIOUS!!
Tomorrow I have an MRI guided biopsy. At least I'll be a little bit out of it. And, I should get the PET scan results tomorrow. I'm crossing my fingers for good news.
Hope everyone has a great rest of the week! :)
I had a PET scan yesterday. The nurse, Kathy, was unbelievably sweet. I was told to fast yesterday until 6pm. My boss brought in chocolate cake around 10:30am. Nice, right? So, after being tortured all day with that, after my nurse left the appt, I was sleeping and then had the scan. When I was finished, the doctor handed me a piece of chocolate cake from Kathy. It was tied with a red bandage bow. Can you believe the kindness of strangers? She was just doing her job, and every day has people in that fasted for their tests, its not that big of deal to not eat for a few hours. She really made my day, what a thoughtful woman. Thank you! And the cake was DELICIOUS!!
Tomorrow I have an MRI guided biopsy. At least I'll be a little bit out of it. And, I should get the PET scan results tomorrow. I'm crossing my fingers for good news.
Hope everyone has a great rest of the week! :)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
1st chemo - so far, so good.
Chemo last Friday was uneventful. I had the Neulasta shot on Saturday, which caught up to me yesterday/last night, but all in all it was just like a bout of the flu (x 10!), but I felt good again this morning. I'm guessing fatigue will set in the next couple of days, so I'm getting lots of rest and trying to eat right and get lots of fluids.
I'm so happy that I have so many wonderful people around me. My visit with my Dad over the weekend was just wonderful, and I'm glad he was able to see that his little girl is going to be just fine getting through the treatments. That was really important to me, to make sure he knows that I'm ok. With so many things going on in life with everyone everyday, its wonderful to know that I am loved. And I have so much love to share as well.
I'll have a MRI guided biopsy on Tuesday April 27th, and then a Pet Scan after that. On my next chemo treatment on May 7, I'll also have the genetic testing done. It will be a relief to get most of the tests out of the way in order to just concentrate on the treatments.
On a completely separate note, I'm going to see Craig Ferguson on Sunday night at Playhouse Square. I'm soooooo excited, he's the funniest, funniest, funniest, I cannot wait!!
Thanks everyone, one day at a time. Gotta get some rest, I have some ass-kicking to do. ;)
I'm so happy that I have so many wonderful people around me. My visit with my Dad over the weekend was just wonderful, and I'm glad he was able to see that his little girl is going to be just fine getting through the treatments. That was really important to me, to make sure he knows that I'm ok. With so many things going on in life with everyone everyday, its wonderful to know that I am loved. And I have so much love to share as well.
I'll have a MRI guided biopsy on Tuesday April 27th, and then a Pet Scan after that. On my next chemo treatment on May 7, I'll also have the genetic testing done. It will be a relief to get most of the tests out of the way in order to just concentrate on the treatments.
On a completely separate note, I'm going to see Craig Ferguson on Sunday night at Playhouse Square. I'm soooooo excited, he's the funniest, funniest, funniest, I cannot wait!!
Thanks everyone, one day at a time. Gotta get some rest, I have some ass-kicking to do. ;)
Friday, April 16, 2010
Chemo was a breeze
Yep, nothing to it. My Dad being there was great. I think he learned a lot of information to help put his mind at ease. My surgeon had just come out of surgery and wanted to meet my Dad. She met us for a little bit when she was finished. I think she is wonderful and my Dad loves her too.
Thanks for everyone's good lucks and wishes and prayers today!
Thanks for everyone's good lucks and wishes and prayers today!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Dad comes to Cleveland
I'm so happy that my Dad is coming to Cleveland today! I have my port surgery in a couple hours and then a heart scan, by then he should have landed. I put a pot roast in the crock pot, so it should be easy once the day is over. I can't wait to see him!
I'm not sure what I was thinking last week, that awful yellow hair is now brown again. Oh well, it was fun to get a bit crazy with it.
I'm getting scared about starting chemo tomorrow. The port is really gonna freak me out, but I know I'll get over it soon enough. It will be better than getting stuck all the time. I just hope it all goes well, I'm going to try and not be nervous, but am so glad my Dad will be sitting next to me.
Its going to be a busy day.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
I'm not sure what I was thinking last week, that awful yellow hair is now brown again. Oh well, it was fun to get a bit crazy with it.
I'm getting scared about starting chemo tomorrow. The port is really gonna freak me out, but I know I'll get over it soon enough. It will be better than getting stuck all the time. I just hope it all goes well, I'm going to try and not be nervous, but am so glad my Dad will be sitting next to me.
Its going to be a busy day.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Bailey's spring haircut
Hehe, it is so funny looking! Its amazing how much hair she has (had), and she sort of looked like a big cat, even chubby. But that cat is ALL fur! She looks like a tiny little kitten right now, with long legs and "boots" of fur on her legs with a big poof at the end of her tail. She chases it, its her very own toy attached to her tail! I just can't stop laughing at her, its great! And she likes it too, prancing all over the place! Haha!
On the subject of haircuts, yeah, I will not be coloring my hair yellow again anytime soon! It was an experiment, and I don't have to live with it, so, I know now going forward I will always be a brunette.
And my sister sent me Mamie's electric blue coraline wig, thanks Mamie! I'll be sure to send you and Ewan a picture of Aunt Terri wearing it. :) At least this whole hair subject has gotten my mind off of the reality of my upcoming treatments.
Hope everyone is doing well!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
My stupid effing... cancer cont'd (2)
I woke up this morning forgetting that I went to my good friends Meredith and Scott's house last night. Scott has his own salon, and he cut and bleached my hair. It is really blonde and short, a bit strange for me to see, but is only temporary, 21-28 days. I like it! I have to remember to wear eye makeup and earrings, so I don't look like a boy! This is part of the fun part.
Part of the not fun part. Everything I was told regarding my treatment on Tuesday, was incorrect. I will have surgery to place the port, rescheduled to Thursday April 15, and I will have a more toxic chemo using three meds called TAC ((taxotere, adriamycin and cyclophosphamide). Treatments for 6 months, 3 weeks apart, followed by surgery.
Ok, bring it. I'm so happy my Dad will be with me for my first treatment, April 16.
My Dad called last night and he bowled a 300 (perfect) game! Its his 10th sanctioned, he's awesome! Not bad for a 67 year old!
I'm looking forward to seeing some friends on Friday night. I'm going to whoop it up a little bit, and then get serious and kick this cancer's ass! Polka Happy Hour at Happy Dog and then the Magpies are playing at Brother's... ANGEL!! :)
I do want to say how blessed I feel by my family and friends. Thank you everyone for your words of encouragement and positive energy.
Love and Peace,
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
My stupid effing... cancer, cont'd
I scheduled Bailey’s summer cut, a bit early this year, but I’m getting my new do tomorrow, so she’ll get hers on Saturday. (So my Dad can see his “grand-cat’s” haircut!) I’m going short and blonde, it should be fun! I’m hoping to donate my hair to locks of love, it needs to be 10” in length, and I’m guessing it will be accepted as my hair is the longest its been in years.
The MRI results from Friday: large node positive for cancer. The chemo treatment has changed slightly, for the better. I will not have a port placed, I’ll have 4 treatments of TC (docetaxel + cyclophosphamide.). There is a lot of information available, I find reading very helpful. After chemotherapy, I’ll have a mastectomy and axilla dissection. I’m guessing that will not be very comfortable, but, will take it if it saves my life.
Another positive note, I was recently newly employed! I lost my job in October 2009, (along with a lot of other people!) and I started my new job on March 16, 2010. The company itself is very unique and the people are absolutely unbelievable. After starting a brand new job, and then eight days into it, you tell your boss you’ve just been diagnosed with cancer, there’s a lot of unsure, unsettling feelings, along with guilt and gratefulness and graciousness, its all very concentrated and you don’t know how to feel, and how to react or behave. To my and my family’s amazement (along with my dear friends), my new company has assured me that they will be with me through my treatment and surgery. I want 60 Minutes to do a story on them, how in these tough economic times, a small company has truly made me part of their family by helping me to get well, as I am still gainfully employed. I really cannot express my gratitude to all the wonderful people I work with, who only started working with me less than a month ago. Jeff Lachina and Lachina Publishing, thanks really doesn’t say enough.
I’ve been reading a lot, and there’s a lot of waiting too. But, I feel comfortable where I am, and its going to test me, and people in my life too, so I need everyone to only harbor positive thoughts. That’s the ticket, I hear. I’ll take one, thanks!
Sending love and rainbows (pooped by cartoons).
Sorry, remember the humor!
The MRI results from Friday: large node positive for cancer. The chemo treatment has changed slightly, for the better. I will not have a port placed, I’ll have 4 treatments of TC (docetaxel + cyclophosphamide.). There is a lot of information available, I find reading very helpful. After chemotherapy, I’ll have a mastectomy and axilla dissection. I’m guessing that will not be very comfortable, but, will take it if it saves my life.
Another positive note, I was recently newly employed! I lost my job in October 2009, (along with a lot of other people!) and I started my new job on March 16, 2010. The company itself is very unique and the people are absolutely unbelievable. After starting a brand new job, and then eight days into it, you tell your boss you’ve just been diagnosed with cancer, there’s a lot of unsure, unsettling feelings, along with guilt and gratefulness and graciousness, its all very concentrated and you don’t know how to feel, and how to react or behave. To my and my family’s amazement (along with my dear friends), my new company has assured me that they will be with me through my treatment and surgery. I want 60 Minutes to do a story on them, how in these tough economic times, a small company has truly made me part of their family by helping me to get well, as I am still gainfully employed. I really cannot express my gratitude to all the wonderful people I work with, who only started working with me less than a month ago. Jeff Lachina and Lachina Publishing, thanks really doesn’t say enough.
I’ve been reading a lot, and there’s a lot of waiting too. But, I feel comfortable where I am, and its going to test me, and people in my life too, so I need everyone to only harbor positive thoughts. That’s the ticket, I hear. I’ll take one, thanks!
Sending love and rainbows (pooped by cartoons).
Sorry, remember the humor!
Friday, April 2, 2010
My stupid effing... cancer
April 1, 2010
I don't want to post status updates, but would like to be able to update my family and friends on my situation and treatment.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer on March 25, 2010. My sister Angela came to Cleveland to accompany me to my appointment on March 30 with my breast surgeon, Dr. Vaidya (pr. Whydea). Dr. Vaidya is absolutely wonderful. She explained that it is grade 3, invasive ductal carcinoma. The tumor is 4 cm and too large for a lumpectomy at this time. The hope is, to start chemotherapy to shrink it, in order to have a lumpectomy after 6 months of chemotherapy. At the start of treatment, if it has not responded to the chemo after the first 2 treatments, a mastectomy will be performed. I will have genetic testing done to determine if I test positive for a gene mutation, in that case, I will have a double mastectomy right away. On March 30th after my consultation with my surgeon, she performed a fine needle aspiration on my lymph nodes. The results came back inconclusive, therefore I am having outpatient surgery tomorrow to have a Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy. I will have general anesthesia (thank goodness, because I am the biggest baby and really really hate medical procedures of any kind. how I am able to donate blood every 56 days is a mystery to me.) Anyway, a blue dye will be used, I heard I will be peeing blue afterwards! Ha!
So, I'll have another outpatient surgery on April 12 to place the port. My Dad is coming to Cleveland on April 15 to come with me to my first chemotherapy treatment on April 16. It will be a five hour treatment, I'm looking forward to visiting and telling jokes and poking my Dad, "wake up!" during our five hours together. I'm very happy he is able to come and be with me. Its kind of scary, but at the same time, I'm simply going to listen to my wonderful doctors and have a positive attitude and know that millions of women are going through this. I'm in the absolutely best place I can be, being seen at the Cleveland Clinic, and I have every confidence this is just a bump in the road.
In the meantime, before I lose my hair, I'm going to make the most of it by getting some crazy, cool haircuts before I lose it. My cat always gets her "summer haircut", so this year I am joining her! I really need to keep the humor, that's going to help me get through the tough times. I know its going to be hard and I may not feel good some days, but guess what? They know what it is, how to treat it and they do this every day. So there.
Love to all of you and I'll keep you updated.
I don't want to post status updates, but would like to be able to update my family and friends on my situation and treatment.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer on March 25, 2010. My sister Angela came to Cleveland to accompany me to my appointment on March 30 with my breast surgeon, Dr. Vaidya (pr. Whydea). Dr. Vaidya is absolutely wonderful. She explained that it is grade 3, invasive ductal carcinoma. The tumor is 4 cm and too large for a lumpectomy at this time. The hope is, to start chemotherapy to shrink it, in order to have a lumpectomy after 6 months of chemotherapy. At the start of treatment, if it has not responded to the chemo after the first 2 treatments, a mastectomy will be performed. I will have genetic testing done to determine if I test positive for a gene mutation, in that case, I will have a double mastectomy right away. On March 30th after my consultation with my surgeon, she performed a fine needle aspiration on my lymph nodes. The results came back inconclusive, therefore I am having outpatient surgery tomorrow to have a Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy. I will have general anesthesia (thank goodness, because I am the biggest baby and really really hate medical procedures of any kind. how I am able to donate blood every 56 days is a mystery to me.) Anyway, a blue dye will be used, I heard I will be peeing blue afterwards! Ha!
So, I'll have another outpatient surgery on April 12 to place the port. My Dad is coming to Cleveland on April 15 to come with me to my first chemotherapy treatment on April 16. It will be a five hour treatment, I'm looking forward to visiting and telling jokes and poking my Dad, "wake up!" during our five hours together. I'm very happy he is able to come and be with me. Its kind of scary, but at the same time, I'm simply going to listen to my wonderful doctors and have a positive attitude and know that millions of women are going through this. I'm in the absolutely best place I can be, being seen at the Cleveland Clinic, and I have every confidence this is just a bump in the road.
In the meantime, before I lose my hair, I'm going to make the most of it by getting some crazy, cool haircuts before I lose it. My cat always gets her "summer haircut", so this year I am joining her! I really need to keep the humor, that's going to help me get through the tough times. I know its going to be hard and I may not feel good some days, but guess what? They know what it is, how to treat it and they do this every day. So there.
Love to all of you and I'll keep you updated.
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