Saturday, August 21, 2010

Feeling really good

I hope everyone is having a good weekend! I'm feeling better and getting back to normal life, finally. I've had such a great response to the Support Mellon's Melons website, thank you very much! In particular, special thanks go out to Tony, Kevin, Jerry, Bill, Jim, Jason, Leslie, Laura, Amy, Francis, Nathan, Heather, Michel, Krissy, Lisa, John, Jennifer, Nicole and last but not least, Dhruva. Dhruva, you have done so much for me, creating this website and maintaining it. I don't know how you do it? I cannot thank you enough, for everything!

I hope to see lots of friends at the celebration at the Old Angle on Aug. 28th! My friends put this together and it is sounding like its going to be a lot of fun! I'm really looking forward to spending a nice evening with friends and hopefully family, (Jay, that's you - I hope you and Katina can make it!!)

I'm getting nervous for my surgery, the closer it gets, the more real it is. But, my Dad and Ronda will be with me, and afterwards my sister Angela is coming to Cleveland, and then my stepdad Benny will be coming out around Oct. 1. I'll have lots of help, and lots of support. Thank you!

I'll probably be on facebook a lot during my recovery, resting and being at home. Then it will almost be winter, where did the time go? It was early Spring when I was diagnosed. Time has really flown by.

I hope everyone is well, and having a great soon to be last weekend of the summer.
Sending warm thoughts you way ~ Terri

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sweetie,
    You're such an incredible, loving person; keeping up w/ a website is nothing compared to what you (& many others, unfortunately) are battling through w/ such grace, dignity, & determination! A bit of sassiness doesn't hurt either ;-)

    LOVE YOU! Looking forward to having a night out w/ you to just decompress before you go into surgery.

    Of course, ALL are welcome to come join us!!! I know I can't say thank you enough to all the ppl who've just taken a bit of their time in the day to stop by here, leave a note, or been so generous! It's a beautiful thing to see everyone rally their support around a person!
